Wednesday, September 03, 2008

SMR, Hadoop, and Scala

I've more or less finished up the port of SMR to Hadoop. See the blogpost linked for information.

Let me know here (or there) what you'd like to see in future versions of SMR.


Dirk Meister said...

SMR seems great so far, and I would love to use it.
But something that I miss are tutorials and/or a mailing list to ask for help.

I currently get only "java.lang.VerifyError"s e.g. while starting the WordCount Example.

David Hall said...

Yeah... apparently Scala will generate bad code if you ask it to. :-)

It works fine to add JAVA_OPTS="-noverify" or HADOOP_OPTS="-noverify" before the command (if you're using bash).

Also, I have a few new features I'm about to push. Give me a few days and I'll hopefully have those.

David Hall said...

Ok, I fixed the verify error, and pushed a few new features to the git hub repo. Should be just as stable as old SMR, and it should work!

I'll document the new features soon...